Our digital phone service comes with all the features you expect but without the additional cost such as Voicemail, Call forwarding, Caller ID, Call Block and Voicemail to Email at no additional cost. You can keep your current phone number and call anywhere in North America free of charge. You can call international destinations with confidence that your rates are some of the most competitive in the market with international rates as low as 2 cents per minute to many countries.
Emergency 911 service is different with a digital phone line. See 911 Info for details.


World Calling Addon

Limited World Calling - $9.99/mo
Purchase Limited World Calling for $9.99 and get 25% off our normal international rates. The number of minutes included depend on the destination charge. As an example if you were to call Italy you would receive 500 minutes of talk time for $9.99. If you were to call Germany you would receive 250 minutes of talk time for the same $9.99.
Please call for specific destinations rates and included minutes.
A. Non-Availability of Traditional 911 or E911 Dialing Service.
Lime Telenet offers on its VoIP service a form of 911 Dialing service (911 Dialing) that is similar to traditional 911 (911) service but has some important differences and limitations when compared with enhanced 911 Dialing service (E911) available in most locations in conjunction with traditional telephone service. With both traditional 911 and E911 Dialing service, your call is sent directly to the nearest emergency response center. In addition, with E911 Dialing service, your call back number and address are visible to the emergency response center call-taker. With Home Phone’s 911 Dialing service, your call is sent to a national emergency call center. The call center operator will confirm your location information and then transfer your 911 call to the emergency response center nearest your location. You should be prepared to confirm your address and call-back number since the operator may not have that information. Do not hang up unless told directly to do so and if disconnected, you should dial 911 again. A 911 fee of $1.45 per number shall apply.
B. Registration of Physical Location Required
You should ensure your location information, when registered with Lime Telenet, is kept current at all times. In case you are not able to speak during the 911 call, the call-taker would dispatch emergency response vehicles to your last registered address. You need to update your 911 Dialing information if you move your device to a different location and if you add a new line to your account. To update or verify your 911 Dialing information you will need to log into the 911 section of the Lime Telenet website (http://limetelenet.com/update-your-address-for-911/) to make changes to your address. Your 911 Dialing service is activated when you subscribe to Lime Telenet VoIP service.
C. Service Outages
911 Dialing service will not function in the event of a power or broadband outage or if your broadband, ISP or VoIP service is suspended or terminated. Following a power failure or disruption, you may need to reset or reconfigure your Telephone Adapter prior to utilizing the service, including 911 Dialing.
D. Re-Registration Required if You Change Your Number or Add or Port New Numbers
You must update and verify online at the Lime Telenet website (http://limetelenet.com/update-your-address-for-911/) your location of use for each changed, newly added or newly ported number in order for 911 Dialing to function correctly.
E. Network Congestion; Reduced Speed for Routing or Answering 911 Dialing Calls
There may be a greater possibility of network congestion and/or reduced speed in the routing of a 911 call made utilizing the Service as compared to traditional 911 Dialing over traditional public telephone networks.
F. Conveying Limitations to Other Household Residents and Guests
You should inform any household residents, guests and other persons who may be present at the physical location where you utilize the Lime Telenet VoIP service of the important differences in and limitations of VoIP 911 Dialing service as compared with E911 Dialing service, as set out above.
G. Disclaimer of Liability and Indemnification
We do not have any control over whether, or the manner in which, calls using our 911 Dialing service are answered or addressed by any local emergency response center. We disclaim all responsibility for the conduct of local emergency response centers and the national emergency calling center. We rely on third parties to assist us in routing 911 calls to local emergency response centers and to a national emergency calling center. We disclaim any and all liability or responsibility in the event such third party data used to route calls is incorrect or yields an erroneous result. Neither Lime Telenet nor its officers or employees may be held liable for any claim, damage, or loss, and you hereby waive any and all such claims or causes of action, arising from or relating to our 911 Dialing service unless such claims or causes of action arose from our gross negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct. You shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Lime Telenet , its officers, directors, employees, affiliates and agents and any other service provider who furnishes services to you in connection the Service, from any and all claims, losses, damages, fines, penalties, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses) by, or on behalf of, you or any third party relating to the absence, failure or outage of the Service, including 911 Dialing, incorrectly routed 911 Dialing calls, and/or the inability of any user of the Service to be able to use 911 Dialing or access emergency service personnel.
H. Alternative 911 and Location Limitations and Updates
For VoIP services Lime Telenet offers a form of 911 service (911 Dialing) that is similar to traditional 911 service but has some important differences and limitations when compared with Enhanced 911 service (E911) available in most locations in conjunction with traditional telephone service. With both traditional 911 and E911 service, your call is sent directly to the nearest emergency response centre. In addition, with E911 service, your call back number and address are visible to the emergency response centre operator. With Lime Telenet ’s 911 service, your call is sent to a national emergency call centre. The call centre operator will confirm your location information and then transfer your 911 call to the emergency response centre nearest your location. You should be prepared to confirm your address and call-back number since the operator may not have this information. Do not hang up unless told directly to do so and if disconnected, you should dial 911 again.
Your 911 Dialing service is enabled when you activate your Lime Telenet VoIP service. You should ensure your location information is kept current at all times. This information can be updated through the Lime Telenet website (http://limetelenet.com/update-your-address-for-911/) under the 911 section. In case you are not able to speak during the 911 call, the operator will dispatch emergency response vehicles to your last registered address. Remember that you must update your 911 information if you move your device to a different location, travel in Canada with your VoIP service, and if you add a new line to your account.
Remember that your 911 Dialing service will not function in the event of a power or broadband outage or if your broadband, ISP or Lime Telenet service is suspended or terminated. We suggest purchasing a UPS (uninterrupted power supply) from a local retailer to ensure that your VoIP Equipment stays powered during short power failures.
You should inform all telephone users who may be present at the physical location where you utilize your VoIP Equipment, of the important differences and limitations of VoIP 911 Dialing service as compared with E911service as set out above.
Traveling with 911
Unlike traditional phone lines, you can use your Lime Telenet VoIP services anywhere. Lime Telenet VoIP services are portable to any location with broadband Internet access. Since the national emergency call centre uses the address you provide to determine the nearest emergency response centre, you must update your new location when you move, or travel with your Lime Telenet VoIP services in Canada. Simply visit the Lime Telenet website (http://limetelenet.com/update-your-address-for-911/) to access the 911 address change portal.
Customers traveling outside of the USA and Canada will not have 911 Dialing services.