Soccer Goes Digital
A couple of weeks ago I got a call from the Amherstburg Soccer Club. I thought that’s strange my son plays for the Tecumseh Soccer Club, I wasn’t available when they called so when I heard their message about being in a bind and needing internet that intrigued me. Soccer and internet really don’t seem to really relate so I was like let me see what is going on.
The Soccer President
I gave the President a call back and that’s when I got the interesting request. So the Club is now hosting some pretty serious games with the Windsor TFC and they actually have a professional turf as well as cameras that track the ball for analysis and streaming of the Pro-AM League 1 Canada games. Pretty serious digital revolution for the game. Only two problems, there’s no affordable internet sources available at the field and the season starts in days.
Let’s Take A Look
So I was just finishing up with the customer I was working with so I told the ASC President I would meet him at the field and take a look. I was pretty sure Lime could do something for them and make it affordable because after all it’s for the kids. I got to the field and I saw the setup for the cameras and was like we’ve never done this but Lime can do it for you.
The setup was this, Picture a 60 foot stadium light post at centre field, with two cool cameras about 20 feet in the air and about 100 feet from the make building pretty much the only thing you have is power and a pole with some equipment strapped to it.
I took a look around and notice that even from the ground I could see our tower and I was like “Lime’s got you, don’t worry we can do this. We are going to put a radio right on the pole, and some other equipment in your network box mounted to the pole and we are going to get your cameras online.
So I don’t know if you’ve ever called most internet service providers but most of the time it takes them a week or two minimum to do a project like this, sometimes if it is something out of the ordinary it will take them months. Well not Lime Telenet, we scheduled it for 4 days later, only because on top of the internet for the cameras we put in wifi for the coaches and we needed wait for some backordered equipment.
What Would The Big ISP’s Do
So this project had a few challenges. First of all a soccer field is going to have to be a wireless solution because most fields don’t have an internet source close enough to be able to run a line to it safely or cost effectively. Good thing Lime Telenet specializes in wireless solutions.
Second challenge Uploading camera streams, especially camera’s designed to follow the ball in a game is going to be data intensive on the upload side. Most wireless providers are like most ISP’s they provide you higher download volume than upload. Luckily for the Amherstburg Soccer Club and Windsor TFC that Lime Telenet was working on their own wireless network where they can set the volume the opposite.
Third challenge, provide wifi over a the entire area of a soccer field which is outdoors and open to all kinds of environmental factors. That’s really no challenge for Lime Telenet, we’ve been installing this type of equipment for years now and designing custom outdoor/indoor wifi systems to meet just about any challenge.
Fourth challenge, get it done quick. Well luckily Lime Telenet is flexible and because we are a independent business most of the time we are able to get a job from order inquiry to installed within a week, sometimes same or next day if it is on our network.
Closing Thoughts
If you live in the Amherstburg Area and you are looking for a great sport to get your kids into consider going and registering with the Amherstburg Soccer Club, lots of experience, lots of fun, technology to help your kids grow into superstars. Check out for more details about their programs.
As always if you’ve got something unique reach out to us at or give us a call 226-722-5114 we love a challenge
Lime Telenet